Lights Out!

Heeyyyyyyyy ^_^ Finally back!! Whew! From being stuck out of town (Keysville, Va Lawwd have mercy) to coming home to no electricity, these last few days have truly been eventful, but I've thought of my readers everyday :) I am blessed to have my power back on here in Lynchburg Va, however, there are those who don't and if you know someone Please Please call or go and check on them especially if they're elderly or have any medical conditions. This heat isn't making things any better.
 I gotta tell ya, I panicked at first lol. We, as a society, have become so dependent on electricity that its hard to function without it...A/C, fans, light, refrigerators, ect...and lets not forget CELLPHONES lol I know people who went to charge their phone before they went to get water and food *Puts hands on hips and shakes head*
 However, through all this bad there has been alot of good!! Communities and residents have put aside differences to come together and help each other out. Registered nurses and doctors are volunteering their time and services free of charge at nursing homes and churches. I've seen on the news where residents are offering water and snacks to the people working on the powerlines. Its so refreshing and promising to see things like this happen when, usually, all you see on the news are crimes and frightening economical numbers. If you ask me there's no better way to celebrate the independence and birth of our country than with strangers helping each other in a time of need. Ahhh sweet patriotism, I could eat it for breakfast.
 So! What did I do during these times of  darkness you ask?? Well first I prayed for the lights to come back on, cuz I gotsta have my food lol.....And here are a few other things I did along with others temporarily devoid of Gods gift of electricity...
  • Play cards!!! There are so many different card games out there that this option can keep you busy for hours
  • Read a book...yea, ya know all the books you haven't had time to read sitting in the corner? Get to it!
  • Cookout!! Boost community moral, during the first few hours of the black out. Food spoils within 2-4 hours, Don't waste it, share it! 
  • Go to the park..Ware those kiddies out so when it starts getting dark they'll already be asleep and you don't have to play "catch the monster, mommy" all night
  • STAY HYDRATED!!! Whether its hot or cold you still need to drink drink drink!! 
Things to get to prepare yourself for a Blackout
  1. Flashlight!! 
  2. Candles
  3. Water Water Water, during blackouts the water filtration plants can be effected so if you can, don't use the water 
  4. Did you know they have power invertors that you can purchase at your local store? They're just like surge protectors but they use batteries, so you can plug what you need in and it'll run the same..Make sure you buy plenty of batteries!!
  5. Non-perishables-set aside these items specifically for this just in case
  6. Weather Radio- these radios are battery operated and keep you up to date on any local weather reports and warnings.
  7. Back up charger for your phone, especially if you have little ones
  8. Find the coolest place in the house before hand! Usually the basement.


  1. Kool advice, Grace! Unfortunately, we may be in for more of the same in the near future. I hope not, though. But we should be prepared for any eventuality and with the weather being as erractic as it is, we have no choice BUT to be diligent in preparing for any event. In the meantime, we make the best of it and SHARE & CARE! Peace...

  2. Thanks! I hope not as well, and I agree, considering its only the beginning of the summer storm season.


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