Who knew...

Ever come across a fact or statistic and think WOW?? Well here are a few more to add to your 'hmmm..' file...

  • Ten tons of space dust falls on the Earth every day.
  • There are 333 toilet paper squares on an average toilet paper roll.
  • There are more than 1,000 chemicals in a cup of coffee
  • There is about 200 times more gold in the worlds oceans, than has been mined in our entire history
  • In 1845, President Andrew Jackson's pet parrot was removed from his funeral for swearing.
  • About 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens each year.
  • According to the Wall Street Journal, more than 25 percent of all kids and teens in the United States take prescription drugs on a regular basis.

  • Every person has a unique tongue print.
  • About a third of all Americans flush the toilet while they're still sitting on it
  • The world population of chickens is about equal to people.
  • One brand new study has found that more than 20 percent of all American adults are taking at least one drug for "psychiatric" or "behavioral" disorders
  • About 6% of men propose over the phone. Now, what percent said yes is another question entirely
  • Did you know more boys than girls are born during the day; more girls are born at night.
  • What's the world record for the most shoes owned? A: Imelda Marcos was the woman with the largest shoe collection. She owned more than 3,400 pairs. I'm jealous! 
  • The first product to have a bar code was Wrigleys gum.

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