So this site Definitely deserves its own post!!! EVERYBODY and I do mean EVERYBODY will find something that they love.....I dub thee a NOTABLE BITE!

Here are a few things that I found  irresistable...

Coffee Table Aquarium

Coffee Table Aquarium
No bachelor pad would be complete without an over the top item like an aquarium coffee table. Both stylish and functional, this coffee table aquarium comes complete with decorative aquarium plants, lighting, filtration pumps, and everything else you’ll need.

The Bed Fan

Bed Fan
If you are constantly uncovering yourself from the bed sheets at night because you can’t maintain a cool temperature then you need a Bed Fan. The Bed Fan will quietly disperse hot air under the sheets and keep you cool all night long so you can get a good night’s rest.

Sword Handle Umbrellas

Sword Handle Umbrellas
When you need to stay safe from the rain but also want to keep your man ego intact, a sword handle umbrella is the only solution. From broad swords to samurai swords, you’ll look like a rain impenetrable warlord walking around with any one of these umbrellas.

USB Wall Outlet

USB Wall Outlet
Recharge your mobile devices with ease thanks to this clever USB wall outlet with two built in USB ports. Now you can throw out all those bulky USB power adapters, or maybe even burn them. This USB Wall Outlet is a great gift for the workplace or home office.

Tron Motorcycle

Tron Motorcycle
This Tron style motorcycle is a fully functional and street legal bike that is powered by a Suzuki 996cc engine. While riding on the Tron motorcycle you lay in a flat position akin to the Tron movie. For only $55,000.00 you can tear up the streets Tron Style.

Water Temperature LED Faucet

Water Temperature LED Faucet
Add some high tech style to your home faucet with this temperature sensitive LED Faucet. The color of the lighting changes depending on the temperature of the water that is coming out: blue means the water is cold, and red means the water is very hot.

Ultimate Computer Station

Ultimate Computer Station
Complete work assignments, play video games, or just browse the web like never before with the ultimate computer station that features everything from touch screen controls to air filtering systems. This hand built chair will make you the envy of cubicle dwellers everywhere.

The Flying Hovercraft

The Flying Hovercraft
Whether you need to travel by land, air, or sea, the flying hovercraft can tackle any surface at speeds as high as 70 miles per hour thanks to its 130 horse power turbo charged engine while carrying a payload up to 600 pounds over a distance of 160 miles.

Nose Shower Gel Dispenser

Nose Shower Gel Dispenser
This over sized novelty nose shower gel dispenser is awesomely bad. Load it up with green shower gel, shampoo, face-scrub, or soap and you’ll have a tough time feeling like you’re cleaning yourself while squeezing out goopy liquid from a big nose to wash yourself.

Cocktail Tornado Mixer

Cocktail Cyclone
Stop settling for poorly made drinks – now you can blend your favorite cocktail or mixed drink with a fun to watch mini tornado. These see through cocktail tornado mixers are an easy to use drink shaker that use AAA batteries to power the mini tornado inside.


  1. I like this 1!! I want that Aquariam table that's HOOT!

  2. LoL I thought so too! Between that and the umbrellas!!


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