The beginning

Hello All! So I have to get everyone caught up! For years my entire goal has been to start my own business. Whenever anyone asked what I wanted to do with my degree my answer was always "Not work for anyone else." Most people chuckled, a few have said "I hear ya." Either way, I was and am dead serious. I see no need in working for someone else when I could do it myself. Yes, I understand the risks, I've been in school for years hearing them over and over. No benefits, all the liability, etc etc, but personally the potential way outweighs any risk. Recently I have been dealing with a lot at my current job and finally decided now is the time. I came up with a plan, or rather solidified one of the hundreds I've come up with over years, and got to planning. Within 2 weeks I had inventory samples, an artist starting my logo, a Facebook page, a website (purchased the domain name, and last but not least my business name registered with the state and an official business licence! Yesssssssss!

Okay so, the name is Snag. Its an online boutique and that's all I'm saying for the moment lol. As far as the licensing process, it was extremely easy.

As a sole proprietorship, there isn't a lot of paperwork or legal stuff necessary. First, I had to go register the name. This step was interesting. I was taken to the back of a downtown building by a government worker who was all about her business, no extra pleasantries whatsoever (no complaints here). She first had me look through an online data base for the name I wanted to register. She stood there, had me type the name, and then even though she was looking at the screen, had me clarify and verbally confirm that I did not see the name. Then she directed me to 9 heavy ledgers and instructed me to look carefully through the "S" section (and she emphasized ONLY the "S" section) in each book and see if I saw the name I was requesting. After those practiced, yet firm instructions, I was left to my own devices. I did take a moment to look around and appreciate all the what must have been thousands of carefully organized archives around me and the quiet dedicated air the workers had about them. I also took a breath and reveled in what I consider the first step to something amazing. I HAD DONE IT. I wasn't talking about it, I was being about it. And I'm still buzzing from the excitement of it all. After I checked and double checked I went back to the front and started a friendly conversation with the tall, aged sheriff who was manning the door at that time while the aforementioned government worker walked me through filling out a form, took my ID and $10.00 (2.00 fee for using my card, but it could've been $20 and I would have gladly still swiped). I signed, confirmed the spelling, signed again and that was it! The name was and is mine! Someday, another entrepreneur will look through the "S" section and see Snag next to my name. I was then given instructions as to where I needed to go next. But that's for the next post :)


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