Back and on a Mission!

Hello! I'm so excited to be back in action. I'm revamping my blog and it will be better than ever! I also have some SUPER GREAT oh so fab news for everyone. I AM STARTING MY OWN BUSINESS. Correction, I have already started. I am legally licensed to operate a business and I simply cannot wait to launch. And even better! I'll be blogging every step of the way. You all will have a front row seat to my highs and lows, ins and outs so stay tuned! Of course I'll be throwing in little tid bits of greatness as usual. Also, as avid readers you will be the first to hear about great deals, and every now and then I'll be giving away a gift JUST FOR my Teeny Bite readers!! Until next time.....xoxoxo


  1. Congratulations Grace! I wish for you the best on this new venture. There is nothing like having your own. Looking forward to reading more, more, more!


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