My Fairytale Wedding

My wedding was everything I could have ever wanted and more! We planned, paid for, and put together our entire wedding in five months with the help of a few family and friends and it turned out great. No, I didn't have a rush marriage because I was pregnant lol (I actually got pregnant 2 weeks after! But that's for another post.) my husband and I decided that if we knew that's what we wanted to do, why not just go ahead and do it? And it was the best decision I've ever made. I don't know how other brides stress for a year or more! The five months was enough for me. In my mind, as long as I said"I do" and he did too that was all that mattered. Everything else was extra. More pictures and posts coming soon! I have a ton of money saving tips for any bride to be, as well as some surprising things I encountered while planning my wedding.

Until next time!! XOXO


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