
Showing posts from April, 2013

Holiday of the Day!

Hello All! Today is national rubber eraser day! Weird huh? But you have to admit when you were in school this would have been a much bigger deal lol. When : Always on April 15 Make no mistake, Rubber Eraser Day celebrates the invention of erasers. We all make mistakes. This day is designated to recognize and appreciate the value of that little plug (as manufacturers call them) that sits atop our pencils. When we make a mistake, they are the big "cover-up", make that eraser, of our booboo or faux pax. Just imagine how messy our documents would be without it! Why not just call it "Eraser Day"? There's two reasons. The first erasers were made of rubber. Today, they are made of rubber, or vinyl.  Secondly, in Great Britain, they are formally called "rubbers". In the world of erasers, two men are prominent. Joseph Priestley discovered the eraser in 1770, using pieces of rubber im...

Preventing Young People from Losing Faith

Question: "How can we prevent our young people from losing faith?" Answer: This question highlights an unfortunate trend. As numerous recent books and studies have revealed, a large number of today’s youth are becoming disenchanted with the church. As a result, they are either leaving the church altogether or exploring other avenues to satisfy their spiritual appetites. And, contrary to what some may believe, more young people leave the church during their middle and high school years than will leave during their college years. Over 60 percent of young adults who attended church in their teens will ultimately become spiritually disengaged at some point during their twenties (The Barna Group). Although the reasons behind this youthful exodus are many and varied, the answer to this epidemic is really quite simple. Our children need to fully understand that Scripture alone can give life and bring sanctification to a sinful soul, and only Scripture can equip us to discern trut...